Share your own Service Design Principle

Daniele Catalanotto
Service Design Magazine


Marc Fonteijn wrote this little sentence that got me thinking in the foreword of the book Service Design Principles 101–200:

“I really hope this book inspires and encourages you to start collecting your own service design principles”.

I find this is a really good idea. So this page is built exactly to make this possible.

Why you should share the Service Design principles you saw or used

Everyone uses or has seen people use smart service design rules of thumb. A waiter has tips and tricks to better handle pissed customers. A doctor knows how to announce bad news in a way that it creates action. A florist knows how to deal with people who don’t know shit about his craft.

Many of these tips and tricks that create a better customer experience can easily be transfered from one field to the other. Because at the end of the day, the florist, the doctor and the waiter do all the same job: the serve customers.

So if you want to help the community, share your own Service Design principles you use at work or have seen others use with you.

Share your Service Design principles

I created a simple form where you can post your own rules of thumb for better customer experience, customer service and Service Design.

Submit your principle

The content you’ll share will be public to anyone and under the lovely Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence

Read the Service Design principles from the community

You can read the all the community inspired Service Design Principles here.

There might be some weird stuff in it as I’m not moderating this actively. If you saw something that shouldn’t be there (spam, porn, etc.) just leave me a note on Linkedin and I’ll see if it needs to be taken out of the database



A swiss service designer who thinks that the best hobby in the world is to help others —