Show me if I can bring my kid

Daniele Catalanotto
Service Design Magazine


Another walk in the city of Lausanne, Switzerland with the baby in the carrier. As I’m walking I notice a little pacman figure on a poster for the Vidy theather. As I’m a curious little bastard, I want to know what pacman is doing on this fancy poster.

The poster shows a list of events that the theater offers, and the pacman figure was next to one of these events. Next to the blue pacman figure reads: “For everyone from 10 years old”.

The poster of the Vidy theater in Lausanne, Switzerland
The little pacman

This little pacman shows for which age the service is suitable. This is something that is even mandatory in some industries. The movies and electroncic games industries have to mention this information.

Why is this a smart service design inspiration? The theater steals in a way something that is mandatory in an industry, and does it in an industry where nobody does it. You usually never know when you check out the theater listings when there will be naked people, violence, and so on. But here the theater says: “If you want to come with your kids, that’s the right event for you”.

This poster can remind us this service design principle.

Show for what age your product or service is suitable. And if you want to go further, tell me what type of content there will be that might hurt certain sensbilities.

This article has been adapted in a more comprehensible English by the lovely Joanna Bienz.



A swiss service designer who thinks that the best hobby in the world is to help others —